Memory Pillows – DEPOSIT


NOTE: Listed price reflects the deposit. Balance due upon completion of order

Fill out the order form below and pay the deposit in order to start the process!

SKU: 1004 Category:


A memory pillow is significantly more affordable than a quilt, and is also a great option if you have five or fewer items. Some customers choose to do both, and gift the pillow to another family member.

Additional information

Weight 3.8 kg
Dimensions 47 × 42 × 17 cm

How the Process Works

Step One

Choose your Quilt Type, Visit the Order Page, and pay your Deposit.

This will begin the process! Once the order is received, you will receive detailed instructions for step two.

Step Two

Prepare your items, ship them to us (if applicable), or contact us for an appointment drop off time.

Once we receive your items, we will confirm receipt by email.  Your order is then placed in a queue.  Depending on the nature of your order, you may or may not receive updates during the manufacturing process.

Step Three

Complete your order and receive your quilt!

Once production is complete, you will need to pay the balance of your order, then your new quilt will be shipped to you!


Prepare Your Items

T-Shirts / Jerseys (or pre-printed designs)

The base size of your T-shirt/Jersey quilt cannot be determined until we have cut up your items. Our designs do not reflect the traditional memory quilts that are made from the same size blocks and sewn in rows and columns. We cut blocks according to the design size, and then fit them together like a puzzle. If you have lots of larger pre-printed designs, and/or your shirt has printing on both the front and back, your quilt will grow faster than if you have smaller pre-printed designs. We have, however, established loose guidelines around the number of items required and their correlation to the base size.

Check out our guidelines by clicking on the following link T-shirt & Jersey Price List.

Preparation – Sorting, Choosing, and Marking your Items

  • Items need to be pre-washed and folded; otherwise a pressing fee may apply. If you are shipping your items, rolling is a great option, as it maximizes space and reduces wrinkling. Even new items need to be pre-washed to allow for shrinkage prior to being incorporated into your quilt. DO NOT CUT YOUR ITEMS YOURSELF—if you are reading this statement, and it is already too late, we can still make your memory quilt. However, there is an additional $15.00 charge per item where we are required to perform extra sewing to create a useable block with the required seam allowances.
  • If you are concerned you will have too many T-shirts for the size of quilt you would like, or you would like to ensure you do not exceed a certain price point, then place the least wanted T-shirts in a separate bag. Be sure to clearly label the bag. Any unused items will be returned to you with your quilt.
  • If there is a colour of a T-shirt that you never liked, consider leaving it out. Oddball colours can look wonderful in your quilt; but if the memory tied to your item does not exceed the emotions attached to the colour, you will not be happy with it in your quilt. (It is also worth noting that once your quilt is finished, you cannot remove an item. Attempting to do this, would wreck your quilt.)
  • Marking your items is not necessary unless you would like complete control over which pre-printed designs are included in your quilt. Generally, we include advertising only if it cannot be cut out of the main design because of centering and seam allowances. We consider stains as part of the memories tied to your items. They take a comfortable “back seat” to the artistic design and stitching on your quilt. If you share our viewpoint on these matters, there is no need to mark your items. Otherwise, it is very important that you mark your items according to our guidelines below.

Guidelines – How to Mark your Items for Full Control (optional)

  1. Use blue or green painter’s tape. This is very similar to masking tape, but it will not leave a residue on your items.
  2. Use two strips of tape and place an “X” through all the designs and stains you do not want included in your quilt.
  3. Use the tape to tell us a special request like “please place this design in the center of my quilt”. Affix the tape directly to the item, preferably above or below the pre-print. Note: Requests for placement should be kept to a minimum, to allow our quilters flexibility during the design stage
Assorted Clothing

Our designs for memory quilts made from assorted clothing and other fabric items are still in the development stage. We expect it to remain this way for quite some time. What we do know is that your items are the single most important variable when we choose a pattern or create a design. In many cases, we will suggest seeing your items before we make any recommendations. We look at types and weights of fabrics, and colour. In the majority of cases, we do not use interfacing to back our fabrics. It is very important to us that your quilt remain soft and the fabrics feel as they did in their original condition.

The price list for Assorted Clothing is divided into “Simple” (example: design is based on sewing 6 ½” or 8 ½” unfinished fabric blocks together) and “Complex” (example: design includes fabric blocks outlined with sashing and/or borders). Click here to access our order page. Look at the table titled “Assorted Clothing & Fabric Items”.

It is very difficult for us to determine how many items are required for a particular size quilt. We recommend giving us as many items as you wish, and following our guidelines in the steps below. If you have a limited # of items, but would still like a quilt, we can combine new fabrics with your clothing items.

Preparation – Sorting, Choosing, and Marking your Items

  • Items need to be pre-washed and folded; otherwise a pressing fee may apply. If you are shipping your items, rolling is a great option, as it maximizes space and reduces wrinkling. Even new items need to be pre-washed to allow for shrinkage prior to being incorporated into your quilt. DO NOT CUT YOUR ITEMS YOURSELF—if you are reading this, and it is already too late, we can still make your memory quilt. However, we charge an additional $15.00 per item where we are required to perform extra sewing to create a useable block with the required seam allowances.
  • If you are concerned about which items you should include, and which items you should perhaps exclude, then separate the items in three distinct bags, and give us all of them.

#1 – Items you definitely want included

#2 – Items you would like included, but are unsure if they will work

#3 – Items that could be included (but it would also be okay if they were left out)

Identify the bags with the descriptions above, and double check the labelling. Unused items will be returned to you with your memory quilt.

  • Marking your items individually is only necessary if you want more control. We consider stains as part of the memories tied to your items. They take a comfortable “back seat” to the artistic design and stitching on your quilt. If you share our viewpoint, there is no need to mark your items. Otherwise, it is very important that you mark your items according to our guidelines below.

Guidelines – How to Mark your Items for Full Control (optional)

  1. Use blue or green painter’s tape. This is very similar to masking tape, but it will not leave a residue on your items.
  2. Use two strips of tape and place an “X” through all the stains you do not want included in your quilt.
  3. Use the tape to tell us a special request like “please use more of this fabric in my quilt”. Affix the tape directly to the item, and on the front, if it is a clothing item.
Baby Clothes

Our design for our baby clothes quilt takes a more modern approach to quilting. See the attached link for a photo and our methodology.

Preparation – Sorting, Choosing, and Marking your Items

  • Items need to be pre-washed and folded; otherwise a pressing fee may apply. If you are shipping your items, rolling is a great option, as it maximizes space and reduces wrinkling. Even new items need to be pre-washed to allow for shrinkage prior to being incorporated into your quilt. DO NOT CUT YOUR ITEMS YOURSELF—if you are reading this, and it is already too late, we can still make your memory quilt. However, we charge an additional $15.00 per item where we are required to perform extra sewing to create a useable block with the required seam allowances.
  • If you are concerned about which items you should include, and which items you should perhaps exclude, then separate the items in three distinct bags, and give us all of them.

#1 – Items you definitely want included

#2 – Items you would like included, but are unsure if they will work

#3 – Items that could be included (but it would also be okay if they were left out)

Identify the bags with the descriptions above, and double check the labelling. Unused items will be returned to you with your quilt.

  • Marking your items individually is only necessary if you want more control. We consider stains as part of the memories tied to your items. They take a comfortable “back seat” to the artistic design and stitching on your quilt. If you share our viewpoint, there is no need to mark your items. Otherwise, it is very important that you mark your items according to our guidelines below.

Guidelines – How to Mark your Items for Full Control (optional)

  1. Use blue or green painter’s tape. This is very similar to masking tape, but it will not leave a residue on your items.
  2. Use two strips of tape and place an “X” through all the stains you do not want included in your quilt.
  3. Use the tape to tell us a special request like “please use more of this fabric in my quilt”. Affix the tape directly to the item, and on the front, if it is a clothing item.


We will be updating this section of our product line in the near future. Our signature quilt is very custom and definitely requires that you Contact Us. However, here is some basic information.

  • You get to choose the main colour(s) that will appear in the quilt. In most cases, you will be responsible for purchasing the dominant fabrics. We will provide the yardages, once a design and size has been determined.
  • If you would like us to pick out the fabrics, based on colour or tones, we will ask you to visit a paint store and pick out colour cards. Then mail them to us (the computer screen is a very inaccurate method of conveying colour).
Custom Order

If you have a request for an entirely custom order, please Contact Us. Keep in mind, our equipment is limited to sewing fabric items only.


Important Information

Extra Charges

Extra charges cannot necessarily be anticipated, nor identified, until we are working with your items. The following are examples of where extra charges can occur. This is not a complete list.

  • Your pre-printed design cannot be cut into a useable block (divisible by 4”), without extra sewing (This can occur for a variety of reasons—your shirt is a tank without sleeves; there is a zipper, pocket, or button in the way…)
  • You have specifically requested that we include a pocket in your quilt.
  • You have a design that requires we avoid it during the quilting process.
  • You have a sweater you would like included, and it requires we back it with interfacing.
  • Special requests (working with primarily dance wear, ball caps, ties, leggings etc.)

We will always inform you of extra charges during the manufacturing process, so there are no surprises when we send your invoice.

Quilt Batting

We use a low-loft 100% polyester batting that is both warm and light-weight. This is our “go-to” batting because it will not shrink, when you wash your quilt. The low-loft works far better on our long-arm, when the quilt top is sewn together with personal clothing items that are all various weights and thicknesses. If you absolutely prefer a cotton batting, or cotton-poly blend, please let us know.

Quilt Backing Fabric

In most cases, we choose the backing fabric automatically. Our preference is to use either “Fireside” or “Minkie”, which are both 100% polyester and resemble a soft blanket. Each brand is only available in certain widths; so we make the choice after we know the final size of your quilt. Most commonly we use light or dark grey; however, in some custom orders, for an additional fee, we are able to use almost any colour of the rainbow.

If you are choosing to hang your quilt, we will automatically use a plain, neutral coloured 100% pre-washed cotton fabric. It is lighter than our other backing fabric, and quite simply, your quilt will hang better.

Care Instructions

Your quilt is 100% machine washable, and will withstand the test of time. However, this statement only holds true if your personal items are also washable. Your quilt is sewn with expertise, precision, and above all—love! We want you to use your quilt. There is a saying in the quilting world that simply states “quilts are meant to be used regularly and washed occasionally”.


Local Orders

If you live in the Kamloops and surrounding area, orders can be dropped off and picked up at our place of business, by appointment. Alternately, an agreed upon meeting point can be arranged in some circumstances. Please contact us so we can work out these details with you on an individual basis.

Currently, we accept cash, major credit cards, and email bank transfer (must be received prior to delivery).  Payments for orders through Etsy are handled directly through the Etsy platform.

Out of Town (Shipped Orders)

  • You can begin the process by using our Ordering system – view our product categories below and begin by visiting the Order Page for your chosen product type. The Order Page will detail the steps involved and allow you to pay the deposit and begin the process.
  • Ship your items to us prepaid, by a carrier of your choice.  We can, however, recommend Canada Post as both reliable and cost-effective. Their “Regular Parcel” service includes tracking and delivery confirmation.  For our U.S. customers, your United States Postal Service (USPS) will interline with our Canadian Postal Service (and vice-versa).
  • Most carriers include $100 general liability insurance with their parcel service.  It is your responsibility to request additional coverage, at an added cost.  We leave this decision entirely to each individual customer.

The finished product will be shipped via Canada Post – fee’s for shipping will be included in the final invoice emailed to you as we finished the quilting process. We do not add extra insurance unless you have made this specific request.  The cost of return shipping will be added to your invoice.

Packing Your Items

We suggest rolling your folded items, like a sleeping bag.  This method maximizes the use of space and keeps items fairly wrinkle-free.

Shipping Address:

Marnie Freeman
999 Sicamore Drive
Kamloops, BC V2B 8B7

Waiting for your Order & What to Expect

If you have ordered a T-shirt/Jersey Quilt, you can expect the following communication, by email, after we have cut your items and completed the base design:

  1. Confirmation of the Base Size of your quilt
  2. Preliminary Design Photo
  3. Pricing confirmation
  4. Option to add border(s) and choose border colour, OR choose a binding colour

(We will make recommendations to help you.)

IMPORTANT: Any changes or substitutions of items, at this time, will be subject to a $75.00 - $125.00 re-design fee. We provide the photo to help you choose a border and binding colour.  We strongly encourage our customers to provide all of their comments, special requests, and items at the time the order is placed.

If you have ordered any other classification of product, except for some of the finer details surrounding more custom orders, you may not hear from us until your order is complete. However, if you would like to request a photo mid-way through the process, please ask. Once again, the photo is for illustrative purposes. Any requests for re-design, are subject to an additional fee.

Once your quilt is completed, we will email a photo and your invoice, accompanied by a payment link. Your quilt will be shipped within 3 business days of receipt of payment. For local pick-ups, please schedule a pick-up appointment.

Additional Services

Wall Hanging Sleeve—your quilt can also be used as a wall hanging, rather than a throw. 

We recommend two different methods for hanging a quilt.

  • Fabric sleeve is sewn into the binding at the back of your quilt.  It is invisible from the front.  Our customers then purchase a wooden dowel (7/16” diameter or larger) from a hardware store—often they will cut it to size for you—then insert the dowel inside the sleeve.  Use 2 -4 nails with a larger head, like a “tack” nail, or screws.  Whichever you choose, they need to stick out from the wall about ½”.  Place the dowel (which is inside the sleeve), on top of the nails.  Voila!
  • Purchase a curtain drapery rod including hanging hooks and ring clips from your local department store, or on line.  No fabric wall sleeve is required.  Simply affix the rod to your wall and affix the clips (there are several of them) to your quilt.  If you would like a picture of the item we are describing, please let us know.

Personalized Label—a label can be affixed to the back of your quilt.  This is a great addition if your quilt is a gift, or if your quilt is honoring the loss of a loved one.  The wording can be emailed to us mid-way through the manufacturing process.  It can be a single sentence or portion there-of, and/or with a date, or a short paragraph.  Please feel free to ask us for suggestions.  In the world of quilting, a quilt is not considered truly complete until it has a label.

Sew-ons– like lettering or badges, can be incorporated into your quilt.

Photos can be added to any of our products.

Additional Information

We take the highest level of care when working with our customer’s personal items. However, quilters are human. We ask that you please understand if an accidental slip occurs during the manufacturing process that results in an item being unusable.

We are a Smoke-free and Pet-free environment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Get all your questions answered! We've organized a set of Frequently Asked Questions for you to review. We hope this will answer your questions - but feel free to contact us if you have any other questons!

How long will it take to make my quilt?

Delivery time is generally 4 – 8 weeks; however, we will try to meet individual requests if the quilt is for a special occasion (i.e. birthday, anniversary etc.) Depending on our schedule, a “Rush” charge may apply.

What are the payment terms and accepted methods of payment?

We require a $250.00 non-refundable deposit at the time the order is placed. The balance is due upon receipt of your order. Currently, we accept cash, major credit cards, and email bank transfer (must be received prior to delivery).

Besides t-shirts and baby clothes, what other items can be used to make my quilt?

Other common items include technical shirts, fleece items, sweat pants, dress or work shirts, sports’ jerseys, baby blankets and children’s wear. We can generally combine different weights of fabric in the same quilt. (If you have a memory tied to that special pair of leggings, we will include one of these items at no charge; after the first one, an additional $10.00 - $15.00 per item will apply.)

Why is a baby clothes quilt more expensive than the same size t-shirt quilt?

The cost of a memory quilt is primarily derived from labour. When you work with smaller clothes, you are working with smaller blocks of fabric. Both the cutting and sewing process takes longer in a baby clothes quilt vs. a T-shirt quilt.

What parts of the personal items don't you use?

We may use every part of your items, unless it is clearly “X” out with masking tape (please do not use pins and paper). Any other special requests should be written on painter’s tape (similar to masking tape; but it will not leave residue on your items) and affixed to the relevant area on the item. *Special instructions in general should be written in the appropriate section on the order form.

Do you use stabilizer (interfacing) on any of the clothing items?

No, in 99% of cases we do not use interfacing. We have found a sewing method that allows us to sew even the stretchy technical fabrics together, without the use of an interfacing. This means your quilt will feel soft and cozy all over!

How do you handle stained t-shirts or clothing items?

We consider stains or fabric discolouring as part of the memories tied to your quilt. Generally, stains are just ignored if they fall around a design; if we are able to cut a smaller block and leave out the stain, we will. If you do not share our viewpoint, please use painter’s tape and identify these areas with an “X”.

Do you do custom quilting?

Yes and No If you have a memory tied to a used fabric item, and wish it to be used in a quilt top along with some new fabric, the answer is “yes”; however, at this time, we are not accepting orders for custom quilting where the materials for the quilt top are made from new fabrics off the bolt.

What are some examples where extra charges may apply?

Sew-ons are an additional $10.00 - $15.00 per item. This includes badges and lettering. This can occur sometimes when the design falls too close to a buttonhole, zipper, or neckline, etc., and it is necessary for us to perform additional cutting and sewing to create a usable block. If we encounter this situation more than once or twice, our customer is notified by email prior to us moving onto the design phase of the process. Sew-on charges also apply when we are asked to use designs from ball caps, crests, etc. .

What if I want to hang my quilt?

We suggest having us include a wall hanging sleeve on the back of your quilt for an additional $50.00. There is a selection on the order form that allows you to tell us the end use.

The sleeve allows you to insert a wooden dowel (yours to purchase) for mounting. It will be completely invisible from the front. Nails or screws can be affixed to your wall, so that the dowel may rest on top.

If you choose the wall hanging sleeve option, the backing fabric will be basic cotton, as it is a lighter weight than our standard backing fabric. Alternately, you can purchase a curtain drapery rod with hooks and ring clips (no sleeve is required).

My order is a gift. Can you provide a custom label?

Yes. For an additional $30.00, we can design a label and hand sew it to the back of your quilt.

Can you add a photo to my quilt?

Yes. The cost is $15.00 per photograph.

What do you do with the leftovers?

We re-use cottons for rags, and when the leftovers are too much for our own use, we network with other individuals and businesses so that they do not end up in the landfill. Other fabrics are cut down for stuffing material. We give the materials to other quilters who make dog beds. These are donated to our local SPCA. Upcycling and recycling are always in our minds. We are continually looking at new ways to re-use the leftover items. Please feel free to contact us if you have an idea, or would like to request some leftovers!

A Memory Quilt is Expensive, I had no idea.

The 3-layer traditional quilt, with binding, is a time-consuming process. Unless you are a quilter yourself, generally, you may not be able to fully understand all that is involved. We do offer classes for the “Do It Yourselfer” should you wish to learn. No quilting experience is required. We also have plans to offer our very own course on-line sometime in the future. If you are interested please Contact Us for more information.

Do you provide long-arming services?

Yes and No. If you have sewn together a quilt top using personal clothing items, or other used fabric, we will provide long-arming services when asked. Please Contact Us for pricing. We do not currently offer long-arming service to the vast majority of quilters that incorporate cotton fabrics in their quilt tops. We can, however, make recommendations of other great long-armers in our community, should you enquire.

T-Shirt & Jersey Memory Quilt

T-shirt & Jersey Clothing Items**     Optional Optional
Approximate BASE Size Base Price Approx. #of Items Add 3" Border Add 2" Border with 4" Pieced border
Lap 36" x 44" $500 10-15 $125.00 $225.00
Throw 44" x 56" $600 20-25 $150.00 $270.00
Lg. Throw 56" x 72" $700 25-30 $175.00 $315.00
*Twin 60" x 84" $850 30-40 $212.50 $382.50
Oversize Throw 84" x 92" $1,000 40-50 $250.00 $450.00
*Queen 92" x 100" $1,250 50-60 $312.50 $562.50
*King 100" x 112" $1,550 60-80    

*Dimensions loosely correspond with bed sizes.
**We do not work with dance wear, swim wear, ties, leggings, ball caps, terry towel, sweaters, rhinestones etc.

Assorted Clothing & Fabric Items Memory Quilt

Our designs for memory quilts made from assorted clothing and other fabric items are still in the development stage. We expect it to remain this way for quite some time.

Assorted Clothing & Fabric Items**    
Approximate Size Simple Design Complex Design
Lap 36" x 44" $550.00 $650.00
Throw 44" x 56" $600.00 $850.00
Lg. Throw 56" x 72" $800.00 $1,050.00
*Twin 60" x 84" $1,000.00 $1,400.00
Oversize Throw 84" x 92" $1,500.00 $2,000.00

**We do not work with dance wear, swim wear, ties, leggings, ball caps, terry towel, sweaters, rhinestones etc.

Baby Clothes Memory Quilt

The Modern Baby Clothes Quilt captures the memories of your child by incorporating new muslin (cream and white) mixed prints with fabrics from your favourite clothing items. May include children's wear

Baby Clothes Quilts**    
Approximate Size Price Approx. #of Items
Lap 36" x 44" $700 30+
Throw 44" x 56" $800 40+
Lg. Throw 56" x 72" $950 50+

**We do not work with dance wear, swim wear, ties, leggings, ball caps, terry towel, sweaters, rhinestones etc.
Pricing is subject to PST and GST. Shipping charges are extra if required.

Memory Pillows

A memory pillow is significantly more affordable than a quilt, and is also a great option if you have five or fewer items.

Memory Pillows    
Size Price Approx. # Items
12" $160 1-3
16" $175 3-4
20" $175 4-6

Pricing is subject to PST and GST. Shipping charges are extra if required.

Contact Us


[email protected]
Kamloops, British Columbia
Contact Us
Clothing Types / Fabric Items